BREAKING: Governor Otti Suspends Health Commissioner Over Financial Impropriety | #NwokeukwuMascot


Governor Otti Suspends Health Commissioner Over Financial Impropriety | #NwokeukwuMascot

Dr Alex Chioma Otti

Umuahia, Abia State - In a decisive move to address concerns of financial mismanagement, Governor Alex Otti of Abia State has indefinitely suspended Dr. Ngozi Okoronkwo, the Commissioner for Health.

The suspension, reportedly due to allegations of financial impropriety and mismanagement of funds, was announced during a state executive council meeting held today at the Governor’s private residence in Isiala Ngwa South Local Government Area.

Dr. Okoronkwo's suspension marks the second high-profile dismissal in Governor Otti's administration. Earlier, Pastor Dike Nwankwo, the Director General of the Abia State Orientation Agency, was removed from office under similar circumstances.

The Otti administration has been under increasing scrutiny, with widespread calls for the investigation of other officials over allegations of corruption. 

Dr. Ngozi Okoronkwo

Notably, we had earlier reported that a coalition of civil society groups in Abia State, the Coalition of Civil Society Groups Against Corruption (CCSGA), has demanded an investigation into Mr.  Chimereze Okigbo, the Special Assistant on Internally Generated Revenue (IGR).

The coalition has accused Okigbo and his team of extortion, human rights abuses, and the illegal arrest and detention of innocent residents.

As the Governor takes steps to address these serious allegations, the administration faces mounting pressure to ensure transparency and accountability within its ranks.


  1. That’s a good one, that lady is messing up

  2. It’s remaining the DNS

  3. God bless our amiable governor Dr. Alex C. Otti for his discernment and good governance. God who placed you on this seat will preserve you and take you to the topmost top of government in Jesus Name Amen 🙏

    1. That woman didn't do anything, Dr Alex otti should call her back to seat . This is arrangement of enemies. Since her regime, everything has been good, call her back to office with immediate effect.

    2. Failure to pay health workers arrears maybe the reason. They keep doing endless verification

  4. This is a very good good move, before I didn't believe in Ottis government, but I have seen he is here to clean up Abia. The commissioner have finished Abia health nothing is working again. She there carryingoney. Using the sisters and brothers to put our money. She doesn't have any respect y her senior. Let her go and settled with the wealth she hadad for this Short period. Ask her what she did with AVO money. She she she rebuild Teaching hospital bbut nothing to show an empty building. Plus others

  5. Let her go and rest…. Is remaining her sis nwakego dns she should be probed too… NGO is suppose to be at massage center giving therapy


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