Tinubu Approves Implementation of Oransanye C’ttee Report, Scrapping 13 Federal Agencies (List) | NwokeukwuMascot


...EFCC, ICPC, list of other agencies to be scrapped as Tinubu implements Oronsaye Committee Report | #NwokeukwuMascot 

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Abuja, February 26, 2024 - President Bola Tinubu has taken a significant step towards reforming Nigeria's federal agencies by approving the implementation of the long-awaited Stephen Oransanye report. The report, commissioned by former President Goodluck Jonathan in 2011, had recommended the consolidation, merger, or scrapping of redundant and inefficient government parastatals.

After 12 years of inaction by successive administrations, Tinubu's administration is now set to implement the wide-ranging reforms proposed by the Oransanye Committee. Speaking after a federal executive council meeting, Information Minister Mohammed Idris announced that numerous agencies will be eliminated, combined with others, or restructured.

The decision to implement the report comes as part of a cost-cutting measure aimed at streamlining governance and enhancing efficiency in the federal service. However, Idris assured workers that the restructuring would not initially affect their jobs.

The Federal Executive Council, in its meeting on February 26, 2024, approved the implementation of the report, which was originally submitted to President Jonathan in 2012. The restructuring and rationalization of federal agencies, parastatals, and commissions will be carried out, involving the merging, subsuming, and scrapping of agencies with similar functions.

It is worth noting that the Oransanye report had already been released by the Jonathan administration in 2014, and a second white paper was issued by the previous Buhari administration in August 2022. However, the report was not implemented until now. The Tinubu administration has decided to address the high cost of governance head-on by taking action based on the report's recommendations.

To ensure the efficient implementation of the reforms, an eight-man committee has been constituted with a 12-week deadline. This committee will be responsible for the necessary legislative amendments and administrative restructuring required to carry out the reforms.

With the approval of the implementation of the Oransanye report, Nigeria is poised to see significant changes in its federal agencies, paving the way for a more efficient and streamlined government system.

Below is a list of some of the agencies that may be scrapped if the Oronsaye report is fully implemented as ordered by President Tinubu:

  • One of the key suggestions in the report is the consolidation of the Code of Conduct Bureau, Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, and Independent Corrupt Practices and other Related Offences Commission into a single agency.

  • Additionally, the report recommended the elimination of the Fiscal Responsibility Commission and the National Salaries, Income and Wages Commission, with their responsibilities being incorporated into the Revenue Mobilisation, Allocation and Fiscal Commission.
  • The Salaries and Wages Income Commission is likely to face a similar fate..
  • 38 Federal Agencies were recommended for abolition, including the Public Complaints Commission, National Poverty Eradication Programme, Utilities Charges Commission, National Agency for the Control of HIV/AIDS, National Intelligence Committee, and more
  • .
  • National Agency for the Control of HIV/AIDS be merged as a Department under the Centre for Disease Control in the Federal Ministry of Health.
  • The merger of National Emergency Management and the National Commission for Refugees, Migrants, and Internally Displaced Persons.
  • The Directorate of Technical Cooperation in Africa be abolished and its functions, along with those of the Technical Aids Corps, transferred to an appropriate Department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Infrastructure Concessionary and Regulatory Commission be subsumed in the Bureau of Public Enterprises for greater synergy and their enabling laws amended accordingly.
  • It was suggested that the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency, Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority, and the Nigerian Metrological Agency should be combined into a new entity called the Federal Civil Aviation Authority, with their laws adjusted to accommodate the merger.
  • The committee suggested merging the Nigerian Investment Promotion Council with the Nigerian Export Promotion Council to enhance resource management and utilisation.
  • The committee suggested repealing the enabling law of the National Commission for Nomadic Education and transferring the Commission’s activities to the Universal Basic Education Commission.

  • The National Council of Arts and Culture will combine with the National Theatre and the National Troupe to form a single organisation
  • The National Agency for Science and Engineering Infrastructure be merged with National Centre for Agricultural Mechanization and Project Development Institute
  • The committee suggested that the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria and the Nigerian Christian Pilgrims Commission be abolished, with the government focusing solely on offering consular services and vaccinations to prospective pilgrims.
  • The Nigerian Communications Commission, the Nigerian Broadcasting Commission and the regulatory functions of the Nigerian Postal Services were recommended by the committee to be merged.
  • The National Information Technology Development Agency to be fused into the Ministry of Communication Technology
  • Nigerian Television Authority, Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria & Voice of Nigeria into the Federal Broadcasting Corporation of Nigeria.
  • The Nigerian Army University to be merged with the Nigerian Defence Academy; to function as a faculty with the the Nigerian Defence Academy.
  • Air Force institute of Technology also to function as faculty within Nigerian Defence Academy.
  • Debt Management Office to become an extra-ministerial department in the Federal Ministry of Finance
  • Public Health Department to return to the Federal Ministry of Health
  • The Nigerian Investment Promotion Council was recommended to merge with the Nigerian Export Promotion Council to enhance resource management and utilisation.
  • One important recommendation from the committee was to stop providing government funding to professional bodies and councils. Therefore, it is necessary to revise the Professional Bodies (Special Provisions) Act of 1972, which requires the government to offer financial assistance to these organisations.
  • The list comprises various professional councils and boards in Nigeria, such as the Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria, Computer Professionals Council of Nigeria, Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria, Nigeria Press Council, Architects Registration Council, Council for Registered Engineers of Nigeria, Estate Surveyors’ Registration Board, Town Planners Council, Nigerian Builders Council, Quantity Surveyors’ Registration Board of Nigeria, and Council of Nigerian Mining Engineers and Geoscientists.


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